Lodge Leadership Development (LLD)
Lodge Leadership Development (LLD for short) is the primary training program for local lodges, providing lodge leadership with the skills needed to plan and run a successful lodge program. The LLD program is designed to equip lodges with the tools to stimulate creative ideas and develop lasting solutions that will enable and enhance growth.
Adapt Collaborate Thrive (ACT) Conference
The ACT Conference will help lodges Adapt to face major challenges, Collaborate with their peers across the section, and eventually Thrive and become high performing. The leadership theory and pedagogical techniques employed in the course reflect the current best practices in teaching and learning as described in the appropriate literature.
National Leadership Seminar (NLS)
The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference focusing on the skills and characteristics of leadership. It is intended primarily to enhance the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow’s key youth and adult members, as they seek to improve their service to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. The weekend format is designed to complement the longer, more detailed Wood Badge and Junior Leadership Training programs. NLS prepares Arrowmen to become better leaders both within and outside of the Scouting program.
Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC)
The Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC) will deepen an adviser’s capacity to develop youth leadership within the Lodge and chapter. Conference topics will include fostering a growth mindset, promoting resilience, providing constructive feedback that leads to changes in youth behavior and creating a life-long coaching/mentoring relationship. Conference participants will gain insights necessary to successfully coach youth applying the leadership skills they gained during the National Leadership Seminar.
The Developing Youth Leadership Conference will move us beyond Lodge mechanics and operations to establishing a lodge and chapter culture that grows youth who are capable of establishing goals, building teams, and guiding the lodge’s work to achieve Journey to Excellence. Prior participation in the National Leadership Seminar is encouraged, but not required.